Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Healing Your Attachment Wounds: How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships

Check out the Focus on Marriage Podcast for great insights on building a strong and healthy marriage.

Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, Codependency and Complex PTSD (4 Books in 1): Workbook and Guide to Overcome Trauma, Toxic Relationships, … and Recover...

Price: (as of - Details) This groundbreaking book includes four books that will teach you from start to finish, everything you...

Doing Imago Relationship Therapy in the Space-Between: A Clinician’s Guide

Price: (as of - Details) The first-ever book on Imago Relationship Therapy from its creators geared toward therapists.Developed by Harville Hendrix...

The Bulletproof Breakup Guide for Men: How to Get Over a Breakup, Heal a Broken Heart, and Move On

Price: (as of - Details) Have you experienced a breakup? Have you been stunned in silence hearing someone say “It’s over”?...

(as of – Details)

Why do we experience recurring struggles in our relationships? And why do traumatic events – such as a physical injury, emotional threat, loss of a loved one, or other life crisis – so often awaken or amplify our sense of fear, anger, isolation, or helplessness?

From our earliest years, teaches Diane Poole Heller, we develop an attachment style that follows us through life, replaying in our intimate relationships, with our children, and at work. And traumatic events can deeply affect that core relational blueprint.

With Healing Your Attachment Wounds, a pioneer in attachment theory and trauma resolution brings together these two fields to help us understand and benefit from their complementary principles and methods.

This in-depth audio learning program sheds light on the three styles of insecure attachment – Avoidant, Ambivalent, and Disorganized – and the ideal fourth style of Secure attachment, where we enjoy a foundation of safety, adaptability, and intimacy with others.

The good news is that we can change, regardless of our early or current life experiences.

“As we heal and move toward Secure attachment,” teaches Heller, “we become aware of triggers and patterns in our relationships. Our nervous system learns to be more regulated. Things don’t throw us off so easily. And we open our capacity to love and experience greater compassion.”

Through key principles, examples, and practical exercises, this program invites you to begin your own healing journey toward healthy vulnerability, wholeness, and connection with others.

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