Lovefraud offers you the only treatment protocol specifically designed to overcome the trauma of narcissistic abuse. This webinar series, created by a psychiatrist, is based on the skills training of dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), tailored specifically for people who have endured psychological abuse and gaslighting from narcissists, antisocials and psychopaths.
You’ll learn to ground yourself in reality — not the lies the disordered person has been telling you. You’ll learn coping skills. And if you have no choice but to deal with the sociopath, you’ll learn skills for doing it while preserving your self-respect.
14 webinars
The program includes recorded 14 webinars — each 75 to 90 minutes long:
- Introduction: Your first step towards real recovery from narcissistic abuse and trauma
- Module 1: Mindfulness to clear your head of sociopathic gaslighting (4 classes)
- Module 2: Recovery from the bodily effects of toxic stress (2 classes)
- Module 3: Strategies for reducing emotional distress and vulnerability (4 classes)
- Module 4: Evidence-based tools for dealing with sociopathic behavior (2 classes)
- Module 5: Post-traumatic growth and spirituality
All of the webinars are available to you as soon as you register. Watch them online at your convenience.
Discussion groups
You will be invited to six Zoom discussion groups. They will take place on Wednesdays at 7 pm ET. Here are the dates:
- March 12
- March 26
- April 9
- April 23
- May 7
- May 21
First, Dr. Leedom will spend 15 minutes reviewing material from the webinars. Then, we will host a one-hour open discussion. Feel free to ask questions about the skills training or about your personal situation. You can also comment via chat.
The discussions will not be recorded, so if you want to participate, be sure to show up. If you need to protect your privacy, you can change your name on the Zoom call and keep your video turned off.
FLASH SALE! Only $129
This program offers you 16 hours of online training PLUS 7 hours of group discussion. It’s valued at $400. But during this flash sale, now through March 12, you can sign up for the entire program for only $129.
With this low price, Lovefraud coupons will not be applicable.
Remember, the mental health field has no recognized treatment to help you overcome the trauma of narcissistic abuse. So Dr. Leedom, who survived psychopathic exploitation herself, has created this groundbreaking opportunity for true recovery. It is the only treatment protocol for recovery from narcissistic abuse.
You can do this. Here’s how. Sign up now — this special price is only available through March 12 — the day of the first group discussion. We don’t want you to miss it!