Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Trust Issues in Relationships: Overcome Insecurity Caused by Painful Past Betrayals from Family and Loved Ones. A Beginner’s Guide to Eliminating Jealousy, Anxiety and Needy or Attached Behavior.

Check out the Focus on Marriage Podcast for great insights on building a strong and healthy marriage.

Heal & Thrive After Heartbreak: Advice, Insight, and Inspiring Quotes to Help you Heal, move on and Thrive in the Next Chapter

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From Conflict to Communication: Lessons from Life and my Therapy Office

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The Silent Marriage: How Passive Aggression Steals Your Happiness, 2nd Edition

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(as of – Details)

The number one reason why you have trust issues, and why feeling messed up doesn’t mean you’ll never find real love.

Let’s face it – we’re all messed up. Unless you’ve never been in a relationship before or you don’t have questionable family dynamics, chances are that some type of betrayal has happened in your life.

So, what do we do about such problems?

We usually dump all of that baggage on people who have nothing to do with our screwed up past.

Raise your hand if you’ve been betrayed before, and you’re taking it out on your current partner now.

You’re not alone!

Betrayal trauma makes us many unpleasant things – jealous, anxious, whiny, needy, insecure.

Trust issues are detrimental for one more key reason: self-sabotage. You don’t want to be hurt ever again, which is why you do your best to kill the potential for something serious before it has even happened.

Sound familiar?

Do you envision yourself dying alone, surrounded by a thousand cats? Your outcome doesn’t have to be this grim.

Betrayal trauma hurts, whether it has been inflicted on you by a parent, a friend, or a romantic partner. This, however, doesn’t mean you’ll never get over it or that you’ll never discover real love.

In Trust Issues in Relationships, you will discover:

Why trusting is so hard but is also the greatest thing on earth The number one reason why you have trust issues and what you can do to fix it The F-word in the world of betrayal trauma (that stands for forgiveness, get your mind out of the gutter!)Why sweeping trauma under the carpet never works, and why you have to face your issues Anxious attachment and how it can kill a good relationship One exercise psychologists believe is vital for building trust with your partner The beauty of vulnerability and openness The 10 signs your trust issues have really messed you upAnd much more…

Right now, it may seem as if the hurt is never going to end. After all, you’ve been cheated so many times in the past that history is bound to repeat itself, isn’t it?

Not if you break the vicious cycle.

Understand that you have agency and can say: “Enough!” Being your own advocate and taking charge can help you understand insecurities, work through past trauma, and get your partner involved in the process.

You deserve love and can make wholesomeness happen, no matter how damaged you’ve been before.

Putting an end to trust issues depends on your inner motivation. If you’re ready to make the switch to happiness and fulfillment, scroll up and click the “buy now” button.

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