Forty years on this planet as a man has been a ride. To become unstoppable, focus on developing a strong mindset with clear goals, building resilience, surrounding yourself with positive influences, never settling for less, being true to yourself, and actively taking control of your actions and decisions while constantly learning and adapting to challenges.
Actively working towards an unstoppable version of yourself that aligns with your values and aspirations isn’t easy, but once you’re in the groove of things, you’ll be unstoppable. I could pass on many lessons here, but I can only share so much.
If you can master these thirteen skills, you’ll be unstoppable at anything:
1. They’ve embraced the darkest parts of themselves
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Everyone suffers to the degree that they deny their darkest desires, secrets, and beliefs. An integrated person has made peace with who they are — light and dark. They permit themselves no longer to sway to the trance-inducing pleas of the brainwashed, politically correct masses.
They own every part of themselves. They have stopped apologizing. This is what it means to be a vibrant, driven, and energized person. A 2018 study on embracing the darkest parts of yourself, often referred to as shadow work in psychology, indicates that acknowledging and integrating these repressed aspects of your personality can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and overall mental well-being, as opposed to suppressing them, which can manifest negative behaviors and emotional issues.
2. They assume their position as a fearless leader
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Everyone, regardless of their lot in life, has the capacity within them to lead and inspire another person. It is now needed more than ever.
The unstoppable person has made peace with their grievances and is now on a journey of supporting and lifting their fellow brothers and sisters. This is the most energizing path of all.
Early research on assuming a leadership position focuses heavily on the transition process, which includes developing a leadership mindset, acquiring necessary skills, building relationships with team members, understanding the organizational context, and actively demonstrating leadership behaviors to gain followers’ trust and buy-in. This often involves self-reflection, strategic planning, and continuous learning to effectively navigate the challenges of stepping into a leadership role.
3. They’re intolerant of any form of invasive spiritual pollution
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They know deep in themselves when a foreign and ugly entity is trying to infiltrate their soul. Whether it’s explicit content, your ruminative thoughts, the news, or a strange draw to unethical violence, they are acutely aware of the presence of this dark stuff.
They do everything in their power to evade its influence. When it’s near — their ancient instinct will be screaming at them to stop.
4. They’ve reintegrated anger as their sharpest tool
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All modern people with any semblance of a heartbeat are angry. We’re tired of being told we’re ‘toxic.’
We’re tired of being overtly disrespected and mocked by the media. We’re exhausted by a childhood that lacked helpful leadership.
And that’s okay. Anger is fuel. It is energy. It is your most reliable catalyst for transformation.
5. They take full responsibility for themselves
Los Muertos Crew | Pexels
Frightened people continually look outside of themselves for the source of their ills. They see blame as a worthy strategy for self-empowerment and then wonder why they go to sleep at night, burdened by an indescribable emptiness.
The unstoppable person takes account of absolutely everything, even the most overt displays of injustice by another. This is vital because not having an outlet for excuse-making is a person’s greatest gift.
A 2016 study indicates that taking responsibility for one’s actions can lead to significant benefits, including increased self-esteem, a stronger sense of purpose, improved relationships, more outstanding personal agency, and the ability to learn and grow from mistakes as individuals who accept responsibility tend to be perceived as more competent and trustworthy by others. Essentially, it empowers them to make positive changes in their lives.
6. They understand the truth about emotion
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Most believe emotion to be an indicator of outside events. For example, you might have someone disrespect you, which you may say is the ‘cause’ of your rage. In reality, you are experiencing your angry interpretation, generated internally via thought.
The unstoppable person sees emotion purely as an indicator of their mental state, and they do not need to let it out unnecessarily. Instead, they use their feelings as a humble guide, careful to maintain a cool head when the temptation is there to unravel.
Understanding the truth about emotions, often referred to as emotional intelligence or emotion understanding, provides significant benefits, including improved stress management, better relationships, enhanced decision-making, and increased overall well-being by allowing individuals to accurately identify, label, and regulate their own emotions as well as those of others.
According to a study published by the Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior, this ability to effectively navigate emotions leads to more adaptive coping mechanisms and positive social interactions.
7. They don’t use dishonesty as an acquisition strategy
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Few realize they have been lied to their entire lives by people who withheld what needed to be said because they feared their disapproval. But any person who is worth your time will listen to you when you say it straight.
They will be open to hearing more. So, use honesty as your filtering process to find the real ones. They catch themselves whenever you find yourself bending the truth to manipulate her into liking you. The ones open to honesty are out there. I speak with them all the time.
8. They practice the subtle art of light-heartedness
Emre Can | Pexels
The broken person is the one who takes life and themselves too seriously. If I had to pick the most reliable losing strategy in life, it’s this. Everything opens up to a person, including their access to a deep inner peace, when they are open to playfully accept reality as it comes.
This doesn’t mean being ok with what is unethical. It means to practice non-resistance. From here, a person’s inner wisdom and needed resources come into full effect.
Lightheartedness can significantly benefit mental health by fostering resilience, enhancing social connections, promoting creativity, reducing stress, and improving overall well-being. The fundamental concept is that a playful, detached perspective can help individuals cope with life challenges more effectively.
A 2011 study found that this is often linked to psychology’s broader theory of positive emotions, particularly Barbara Fredrickson’s “Broaden-and-Build” theory.
9. They stop chasing other people
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Someone can’t possibly be unstoppable if they’re preoccupied with the approval of others and the time and energy taken from them in their pursuit. Build something remarkable first. They put everything they can muster into crafting something so magnificent it can be seen from the next village.
10. They don’t people-please
Jacob Lund | Shutterstock
As I’ve said before, ‘nice’ is rarely anything but nice. I know it’s difficult to get to the heart of what I’m saying because we communicate with labels.
But understand that insecure people use this strategy to compensate for their inner sense of inadequacy. It is also used as a manipulative act to get their way, but all it does is repel people. It is painful to see, but it is surmountable.
Get rid of your inner nice guy today and choose instead to be real, to speak your truth, and to be selfish again. This is the only way your genuine kindness can be felt.
Being a people-pleaser can lead to significant disadvantages, including chronic stress, burnout, low self-esteem, difficulty setting boundaries, resentment, neglect of one’s own needs, potential for manipulation, anxiety, and impaired relationships due to the constant need to prioritize others’ happiness at the expense of one’s well-being. According to a 2022 Oxford University study, this often stems from a fear of rejection or disapproval.
11. They’re on a path of relentless physical and aesthetic dominance
Drazen Zigic | Shutterstock
Unstoppable people know that to make an impact in this world, they must be dutiful stewards to the vessel that will carry them to the furthest reaches of their empires: their bodies.
They also know that looks matter, and they do everything they can to maintain not only a satisfactory physique and health — they are on a path to near perfection.
12. They have let go of the need to be liked
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All of us, to varying degrees, have taken on a covert yearning for approval. It makes sense, given that as children, we’d learn to see that if we were well-behaved, we’d gather support from our parents and be rewarded.
As we venture into adulthood, many of us learn the hard way that seeking approval rarely rewards us as we’d hoped. We become hopelessly reliant on external appreciation.
To do so puts you at a tremendous disadvantage. Be willing to be disliked at every turn. Life takes on a vibrant color here.
A 2022 study published in the Journal of Behavioral Sciences indicates that letting go of the need to be liked can lead to several benefits, including reduced anxiety, increased self-esteem, improved decision-making abilities, stronger authentic relationships, and greater personal freedom. When the constant pressure to please others is alleviated, individuals can act more in line with their values and beliefs.
13. They’re willing to lose themselves to make way for daily rebirth
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Unstoppable people are relentlessly creative and productive with their time. This is limited greatly when they are overly protective of the hand they currently hold.
I see this all the time in people who’ve built something but are now so afraid to lose it that they never take any risks. This is death to the vibrant person taking bold daily action. Be willing to lose it all.
When you realize you have no ‘self’ you need to protect, you will be surprised by your poise in the face of the most vicious criticism and the most profound losses.
Those who can step into the ring knowing that taking a punch will only make them stronger are unstoppable.
Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient.