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Challenges End For 3 Zodiac Signs On November 28, 2024

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On November 28, 2024, three zodiac signs will rise above their challenges. While Thursday is just like any other day regarding hardships, by the end of the day our main challenges come to an end. We’ve got the transit of Moon square Mars to guide us, and this transit may not be the easiest for teachers. But then again, lessons learned the hard way are usually the ones that stick.

Three zodiac signs will get to put their stamina and drive to the test. We see that there are many challenges taking place everywhere we look. When we hone in on what is ours to tackle, we focus our concentration on success.

One of the best ‘mental’ strategies we have right now is the idea that it is the end of the year, and even though it’s all in our heads, we want to complete things before the year is out. So, if we feel like the challenge is all about finishing something up, we will point our strength towards completion, and within the day, we’ll be able to say out loud: mission accomplished. Challenged accepted.

Three zodiac signs see their challenges end on November 28, 2024:

1. Aries

aries zodiac signs rise above challenges november 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

Right now, all you feel is overwhelmed and in dire need of an ending to all of this. You’ve got work piled up and big dreams on the burner. You don’t know where to start, although there’s a heavy emphasis on finishing before you start something new.

Because you live under the influence of Moon square Mars, you feel a bit frustrated; you have a good idea of what you want to do in the coming year, but the end of this year can’t come fast enough. You’re living in a time warp; you don’t want to race your life away, but you also can’t wait for the new year to start.

This waiting game becomes a challenge for you, Aries, but ironically, challenges are what get your motor going. Moon square Mars is no slouch when it comes to inspiring new ideas, and for the first time in a while, you’ll feel pretty clearheaded about where you’re going next. You can take frustration and make it into something creative and promising.

RELATED: 5 Zodiac Signs With Powerful Horoscopes On November 28, 2024

2. Aquarius

aquarius zodiac signs rise above challenges november 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

There are moments when you don’t even believe how deep into things you’ve gotten, believing there’s no way out. In this case, you’ll feel you’ve overextended yourself. This makes you feel pressured and frustrated, and honestly, with a transit like Moon square Mars doing its thing, that frustration can either overwhelm you or set you free.

Perhaps you overbooked yourself, and the reality is that you’re not in the mood for any of it. You don’t like saying “yes” when you meant “no,” but now you’re in it, and you find no way out.

This refers to Thanksgiving and the ton of obligations you feel you’re being pressured into taking on. All it takes is a shift in perspective to see what this day offers as something very positive rather than a burdensome chore. You will rise to the challenge and make Thanksgiving Day a wonderland of happiness.

RELATED: The Life Lesson Mercury Retrograde Teaches Each Zodiac Sign The Week Of November 25 – December 1

3. Pisces

pisces zodiac signs rise above challenges november 28, 2024 Berry Art | Canva Pro

What you may find yourself trying to avoid today are memories of the past; once you go down that road, there’s no turning back, and you don’t want your entire Thanksgiving to go to sob stories and regret. You want to join the party and be thankful to be alive right now, right here.

This is a big challenge for you, Pisces, and with Moon square Mars backing you up, you can rise above it all. You’ve got that Mars energy to help you rise above the challenge, and you’ll take it. If it’s all about avoiding the past to enjoy the day, consider it done.

So, you rise above the challenge, Pisces, and carve yourself a piece of turkey and a good day. Life is for living, and you won’t miss out on this. Moon square Mars is just the powerhouse you need to get you to believe that right now … is all you need.

RELATED: What Pisces Needs To Know About 2025, According To A Tarot Reader


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Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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