Luck favors three zodiac signs the week beginning November 25, even with Mercury stationing retrograde at the start of the week throwing a wrench into some plans. Despite its reputation for chaos, magic can still happen during Mercury retrograde phases, so it’s important to embrace patience and remain committed to manifesting your dreams.
Opportunities for a profound breakthrough occur as the Sagittarius Sun aligns with Mars in Leo on Tuesday, November 27, yet with Mercury retrograde and an impending Mars retrograde, it may take longer to bring your dreams to fruition.
However, as asteroid Pallas shifts into Capricorn on Saturday, November 30, you will be given the patience and fortitude to use this energy to your advantage, even as the New Moon in Sagittarius rises on Sunday, December 1.
New beginnings are everywhere, yet a fresh start requires patience and trust in divine timing to tune into the lucky opportunities in the universe so you can manifest all you’ve ever wished for.
Luck favors three zodiac signs the week of November 25 – December 1, 2024
1. Aries
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
There is no rushing your destiny, sweet Aries. While it may have felt like you’ve been running in circles as of late, everything has occurred in divine timing and for a greater purpose, even if you couldn’t see it in the moment. Throughout this process, you have remained committed, and this positive outlook has delivered you to this moment when you can feel the universe on your side.
The New Moon in Sagittarius rises on Sunday, December 1, bringing abundant new beginnings into your life. Working divinely with the New Moon, Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius may have you spiral back to a past opportunity or offer you can now accept and see take off in all the ways you hoped. Sagittarius energy rules over adventure, exploration, meaning, and truth, so this new beginning isn’t frivolous but deeply connected to your purpose.
With Venus and Pallas both in your career sector, this new beginning may deal with accepting a new position, yet it will help you truly feel like you’ve finally exited one of the most challenging phases of your life — and now can finally get to work on your dreams and enjoying all you deserve to receive.
2. Taurus
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Take your time, Taurus. No matter how much it seems others may be rushing around you, don’t feel pressured to make a decision or take action. There have been hints of change in your life recently. You are finally seeing what is possible for yourself beyond what you have been told to expect, which has allowed you to start dreaming, take new risks, and believe that it’s not just others who can live the life of their dreams — you can as well.
On Saturday, November 30, asteroid Pallas will shift into Capricorn, joining Venus in this earth sign. Pallas brings knowledge, wisdom, dedication, and patience, and in your house of luck and new beginnings, it is precisely the energy you need to embrace your inner desires for change and take charge of your life.
With Mercury currently retrograde in Sagittarius, you may have to go slower at making the changes you seek, but don’t give up hope that you are on the right path. This is the time for you to learn, observe, and redirect how you’re going about making those desired changes in your life.
Everything is happening precisely how it’s meant to — embrace this slower process and let the universe start guiding your path.
3. Sagittarius
Ganna Sereda from Anna_leni, sparklestroke | Canva Pro
Being fed up with life can often be the beginning of creating what truly resonates with your soul, Sagittarius. In a year that has brought dramatic transformations, you may not be feeling in love with your life in the ways that you hoped, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late. While this might not be an easy process, it will help you clear away the confusion, guilt, or hurt feelings preventing you from seeing just how many opportunities currently surround you.
The Sagittarius Sun will align with Mars in Leo on Wednesday, November 27, highlighting your houses of self and luck leading up to the New Moon in Sagittarius on Sunday, December 1. As the Sun and Mars align, you can return to yourself, remembering who you are and what you dream of for yourself and your life.
This is an incredible amount of fire energy, so you may want to take immediate action. But with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, you are still fine-tuning your dreams, so try to temper any impatience. While the New Moon in Sagittarius is a new beginning for you, leaning into your personal feelings and process from the past year will help you understand what is most important so that you can plan how to fall in love with life all over again.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.