Weekly love horoscopes for the week of November 18 reveal an action-packed week in matters of love.Â
Pluto entering Aquarius on November 19 starts the week with extremely strong energy. Since Pluto rules technology, impacts on your love life are more likely to occur through the digital space (like dating apps. Your stance on communities and how they should evolve come to light, which can reveal core values that draw you and your partner together — or the opposite.
November 21 is significant since the Sun will transit to Sagittarius, kicking off Sagittarius season. This will influence our love life by making us more interested in stepping out of our comfort zone, embracing new adventures, looking for philosophy and interesting conversations, and engaging with our romantic partners in new ways. Some of you meet new friends who lead you to your soulmate!Â
Weekly love horoscopes for November 18 – 24, 2024
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The best day for love for Aries this week: November 18
With the eclipse cycle in your sign and Pluto in Capricorn, you’ve been on a journey of rediscovering who you are. As one of the most independent zodiac signs, it’s important for you to have a strong sense of self, even when you’re in a relationship, and these challenging transits have put you on a tough journey.
Now that Pluto is direct and finally entering Aquarius after 16 long years in Capricorn, you’re completing a karmic cycle and becoming the best version of you that you’ve seen in a while, which translates into your relationships.
Recenter yourself and think about your romantic future. If you are single, take a step back and prioritize self-love. If you are in a relationship, now’s the time to think about what you wish to do with your partner for the holiday weekend and the shopping sales.
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The best day for love for Taurus this week: November 23
Taurus, your love horoscope this week is very sweet. For those who are single, someone from your past is about to make a comeback, whether that’s someone from your childhood or a past life.Â
If you are already in a relationship, now’s a good time to reminisce about everything that has brought you and your partner closer together. Strive to continue nurturing this bond far into the future. You can also make a love pact that allows you to check off items from your bucket list as a grand romantic journey.
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The best day for love for Gemini this week: November 19
Gemini, your love horoscope this week points to an inner need to understand what your heart desires in love. That will be your guide in the days to come. Don’t jump head-first into romance at this time. Instead, take a step back and set your intentions first. This will allow you to bring true love into your life.Â
Those of you who are already in a relationship will also benefit from this as a way to give structure to your love life and help you achieve your relationship goals.
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The best day for love for Cancer this week: November 23
Cancer, your love horoscope this week urges you to open your heart and be true to yourself whenever you engage in romance. Don’t be afraid of speaking your mind or showing your personality. True love will appreciate this about you and the love will flow for you even more. It will also give your partner (or date) the chance to open themselves up, too. You will benefit from going slow in love this week.
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The best day for love for Leo this week: November 22
Leo, your love horoscope urges you to think about the future and the love life you wish to have. Tap into your manifestation abilities and manifest!Â
If you are single, you are very close to finding your soulmate. Don’t allow negative self-talk to hold you back. Those in a relationship are encouraged to be more creative to breathe more spark into your love life.
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The best day for love for Virgo this week: November 24
Virgo, your love life this week is all about knowing your true desires in love and not pulling back or compromising on them. That’s your path to true love. Compatibilities and incompatibilities will become obvious when you do this.Â
Engage with the language of flowers when it comes to romance this week. Send your partner a bunch of roses or a single sunflower with a riddle on a card!
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The best day for love for Libra this week: November 24
Libra, your love life this week is super sweet. You are encouraged to lean into it, sparking a firestorm of adventures and camaraderie in your life.Â
If you are single, your social life will bring you love. But don’t engage socially with the sole intention of finding a potential partner. That makes your interactions less authentic.Â
If you are already in a relationship, show your love to your partner through small gestures. Don’t be afraid of some cheesy romance! It’s always nice to send each other flowers just because you feel like it!Â
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The best day for love for Scorpio this week: November 23
Scorpio, your love horoscope this week has an intense quality to it. You may come across a truth that will change the landscape of your romantic life for the foreseeable future. Don’t make excuses for anyone, but remember that with Mars in Leo, passions are running high — take a breather before coming to conclusions. Now’s a good time to read books on relationships so you are better prepared to nurture true love in your life.
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The best day for love for Sagittarius this week: November 21
Sagittarius, your love horoscope this week points to a need for introspection about love. Whether you are single or in a relationship, what are your long-term goals for your love life? As we slowly get closer to the end of the year, the energies are becoming more relevant for the next cycle that will impact the collective.Â
With your zodiac season beginning this week, people are more optimistic. Look at love through rose-colored glasses knowing that Venus in Capricorn is still holding down the fort, so you know your ideals are still rooted in reality.
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The best day for love for Capricorn this week: November 22
Capricorn, your love horoscope this week points to a need to blend your family life with your romantic life. For those of you thinking about introducing your partner to your parents, this is the sign you were waiting for. You are encouraged to be your true self when you engage with your partner’s family and loved ones, with Venus in your sign giving you that extra charm!
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The best day for love for Aquarius this week: November 23
Aquarius, your love horoscope this week has a mysterious quality to it. With Pluto, the planet of transformation, entering your sign, it may feel like your foundations are buckling beneath your feat. You are encouraged to focus more on self-care and prioritize your mental health. While Pluto in your sign might feel chaotic at times, know that something incredible is in store for you. Lean on your support system when needed — this week’s chain of events will slowly build your bond with your soulmate and deepen your romance.
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The best day for love for Pisces this week: November 21
Pisces, your love horoscope this week has a creative quality to it along with a touch of dreaminess. You are encouraged to ground yourself through mindfulness practices so this dreamy quality stays in the realm of positive attraction and romance instead of dipping into the negative and ignoring red flags. Outer-planetary energies are at play here.Â
If you feel called to, journal your experiences so you can look back and analyze any signs and synchronicities that may be relevant to your love life and quest to find true love.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.