The week beginning November 18 is full of transformative energy as Pluto changes signs for the first time in 16 years and we enter a new zodiac season. The positive energy of these two transits (and more!) marks the end of major struggles for three zodiac signs.
We begin the week with a pleasant Sun trine Neptune. This is prone to creativity and compassion. Since Neptune rules dreams, they may be more vivid over the next few days. Mercury also opposes Jupiter which is generally pleasant, but think of this transit as ‘tall tales and tall drinks,’ since many things can be greatly exaggerated.
On November 19, Pluto enters Aquarius, leaving Capricorn behind. Pluto in Aquarius will rule the skies for the next two decades, transforming the world and our lives as ‘we the people’ become more important as we each strive to find our place in society.
On November 21, the Sun enters Sagittarius until December 21 and it sextiles Pluto. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the most beneficial of the planets. This is generally a positive and upbeat period of time that always occurs just before the holidays. Sagittarius likes positivity, freedom, and more freedom! The Sun’s sextile to Pluto will allow you to express yourself well in any conversation or communication.
Venus sextiles Saturn on November 22, which is great for any monetary or business propositions or ideas. This aspect can be characterized as pleasant, but in a serious way. It can connect you with people and things from the past.
Three zodiac signs overcome a specific obstacle after Pluto enters Aquarius the week of November 18-24, 2024
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You are a sensitive soul, Cancer, and for some reason, you feel down on yourself this week. It’s possible this could relate to love or money, but if so, this is only the tip of the iceberg — the true meaning behind your melancholy goes deeper.
You feel grief more easily than others. Since you are ruled by the Moon, your feelings change frequently, sometimes day-to-day. In some ways, Cancer has a naturally depressive nature. This is not to say every Cancer is depressed, but it doesn’t take a lot to point you in this direction. You require people in life that you can trust in terms of emotional survival and when someone you placed your trust in lets you down, you can grieve for a long time. You may feel like retreating into your shell. This is fine for a time, but not a long-term answer.
The first issue is to determine why you feel down on yourself or inadequate and then determine if it relates to a past issue. Then take steps to improve your mood if you can. You can overcome a current problem, but the past is the past and sometimes it needs to remain so. Allow yourself time to figure thigs out, then process the problem setting off your negative self feelings.
Next, speak to family and friends who support and be honest with you, and engage in some self-care activities. Gradually, you will begin to come out of your shell. Use patience with yourself to navigate your sensitive nature and in no time at all you will be back to your usual friendly and caring self. Sometimes Cancer has to learn to not take life so seriously.
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This week, you experience an issue at work with deep ramifications — or at least it feels this way. You have been working very hard lately, and with Mars transiting your sixth house, this will continue for some time. By midweek, things at work reach a boiling point, whether that’s conflict with someone or reaching peak burnout.
If a co-worker or colleague is getting on your last nerve, think before reacting. You have deep empathy for others and often go on what you feel or your intuition. Take a little time and think this through. With your ability to tap into the unseen forces, you may be able to resolve the problem since you are gifted at thinking outside the box.
If this is a matter of being tired of your job, take some time to reflect on this as well. Can you make changes that would help? Is there another department you can transfer to? The fact is, most people need to work, and you are not prone to impulsive decisions. After thinking it through, if you feel it is time to move on, move forward with that process — but you will still have to resolve your situation while you are still there.
In terms of another job, you have some planetary help with Uranus and Saturn, depending on how it is aspected. If nothing else, know that next year will bring major planetary help, and chances are extremely high that you will find something better suited to your abilities quite soon.
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You face an issue with a child, friend, or lover this week. Your efforts for change are being met with strong resistance, and the energies are right for someone reacting ruthlessly.
Try to channel this impulsive energy into creative change, which is not hard for you. You know that you are quick to anger, but in this case, that is not advised. The first step is to cool down and not let your anger take over. The next step is to ask for open communication and be open about your views.
If you are still in conflict, you may want to blow off some steam with exercise or physical activity. Time apart to think is a good idea. With this, your anger should cool down pretty quickly.
Your nature is direct and assertive, but it’s wise to tone things down so this doesn’t come across as a threat. Aries doesn’t like compromise but sometimes it is unavoidable. Directly questioning the possibility of compromise should bring an answer, probably in the affirmative.
If this isn’t the case, and there is something you want to do, you may have to do without the other person’s involvement. The goal is not to damage the relationship beyond repair, and not everyone understands your sometimes aggressive nature. If compromise is impossible, simply state your intentions calmly and let the other person state theirs.Â
People don’t always see eye to eye, but if you can retain the relationship or friendship anyway, you have been successful.
Leslie Hale is a professional astrologer offering personal astrology readings worldwide.