At any moment during my day, I can recite an affirmation. This act instantly shifts my mindset, steering me away from feelings of disappointment in myself or others. I take a moment to reflect before overcommitting to someone else’s dire situation or a relationship that ensnares me in a relentless cycle of self-sacrifice. Through affirmations, meditation, and self-reflection, I gauge the extent of myself I’m willing to share or invest the moment I sense the temptation. Alternatively, I employ affirmations to propose other solutions, ensuring my emotions don’t overwhelm or defeat me. The question remains: when and how will I step off the hamster wheel, cease suffering for others, and stop feeling unappreciated and exploited?
My Higher Power walks on water to rescue me from drowning in spirit and soul. Just as bodies like mine are lifted from their circumstances, so have my CoDA friends and Higher Power raised me from mine. So yes, today:
… I am getting to know myself in a new way … … I am healing every day … … I have a new sense of belonging … … I have the support of caring people … … I am the rightful owner of me …
Alice C 09/28/2024