Saturday, March 29, 2025

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7 Common Traits Of Men Who Women Are Wildly Attracted To, According To Psychology | Rachel Russo

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You are a secure relationship-minded woman with healthy boundaries. (Okay, I hope you are!) I am certain that your past relationship did not work out for a reason. There is a really good chance that the problem was not solved.

If you want to get married and find your happily ever after, you must only date men who prove they have husband potential! Take more than a hot minute and determine what this means for you. I have come up with seven things that matter to me in my search for Mr. Right. 

Here are 7 common traits of men who women are very attracted to:

1. He’s true to his word

My belief is that a man is only as good as his word. If he lies to me once, he could lie to me again. I think a woman should not tolerate any sign of disrespect from her man. Research from Eastern Illinois University states how vital trust is to a relationship.

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2. He’s loyal

Common Traits Of Men Who Women Are Wildly Attracted To Ba Tik / Pexels

I shared my toys since I was a little girl, but a man is not a plaything. I refuse to share my man with another woman. 

Infidelity is my deal breaker of deal breakers. And that “Once a cheater always a cheater” thing? Well, there are exceptions, but in general, you should know that it is not a myth, according to research from 2017.

3. He wants the real thing

I want a healthy, happy, lifetime partnership that is complete with friendship, true love, marriage, and kiddies. I don’t want a man who just wants the challenge. It’s important to be friends first before a relationship, according to a study from 2021. How about you? If he’s just in it for the thrill of the chase, do you think you are winning?

RELATED: 16 Things Women Want And Look For In A Man

4. He’s emotionally mature

Common Traits Of Men Who Women Are Wildly Attracted To Adenir Figueiredo Carvalho / Pexels

Attention to all potential male suitors, I do not work for free! While I used to have a penchant for diamonds in the rough, I am a changed woman who will no longer accept a man with the potential for emotional maturity. If I’m no longer willing to teach a guy I date how to treat a woman and I’m a dating coach — why should you be?

5. He’s generous

Generosity, according to me, must be across the board. I want a man who is generous with his time, money, and affection.  You should only make a man as important to you as you are to him. If he isn’t generous, he shouldn’t be important. Period.

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6. He’s supportive

You know those narcissistic guys who want everything to be about them, them, and them? Check, please! Roughly 0.5% of the population are considered narcissists, statistics from The American Psychiatric Association tell us. I can spot them from a mile away and you should too! If he doesn’t care about you, your interests, your work, your hobbies, or your needs on the first few dates, dating him will not be a picnic. Run now!

7. He has a good head on his shoulders

There are many types of intelligence, research from Northern Illinois University confirms. One that I value in a man is common sense.  His life needn’t be perfect, but he can’t be an alcoholic in denial, a man who is irresponsible with finances, reckless with people’s emotions, or just plain dumb in everyday situations. Don’t you want a man with street smarts and common sense so you can feel like you are protected?

RELATED: The 5 Physical Traits Women Want In A Man, According To Science

Rachel Russo is a dating and relationship expert, matchmaker, author, speaker, image consultant, educator, and marriage and family therapist.​

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