On November 1, 2024, the powerful Scorpio New Moon helps three zodiac signs release the past for good, allowing them to embark on new beginnings.
The last thing we want to think is that we’re still lugging around the pain of the past. We’ve done so much to get over it, and the Moon trine Saturn is not a transit that will allow us to wallow in pain. This is the season for healing and renewal, and we are on it.
Three zodiac signs understand that as the year comes to a close, we must also close shop on some of the negative aspects we’ve kept alive for too long. We must let go of the past and give ourselves space to heal, as in really healing.
The beauty of it all is that it’s not only possible; it’s destiny. What we might have thought of, at one point, as a boulder that we eternally push up a mountain is now something we see as dust in water. It can and will dissolve, and we will find that letting go of the past is finally our fate; we will heal from heartache and move on.
Three zodiac signs overcome the past and heal from heartache on November 1, 2024:
1. Taurus
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The universe lets you in on a secret: you don’t have to suffer needlessly over some old wound created in the distant past. While this is something you know and understand, it clicks in differently for you on this day, Taurus, and it just might be the thing that liberates you from pain and heartache.
You haven’t felt it for a while now, meaning that usual painful memory that comes up and then and always ruins the day. You have started to wonder if perhaps you’ve healed, but you never gave yourself a chance to know this is real.
During your horoscope, all memories are put on the shelf. While you are aware they are still there on that shelf, you also know that you needn’t open up that box of pain, as it does you no good. You’ve got that Moon trine Saturn power on your side, and it can only lead you to a happier, healthier existence.
2. Leo
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How many times have you been told that you need to get relevant and let go of the past? Probably thousands of times, Leo, and so much of this is because you tend to identify with the past, almost to the point where you seem fearful of the present.
You will be in the presence of a great and healing transit. This cosmic event has the power to transform you from someone who dwells in the past and reminisces a little too much to someone who claims their stake in the present, where things get done.
What’s taking place on this first day of the month is that you are starting to understand that you owe nothing to the pain of the past and that, ironically, your pals only have your best interests in mind when they told you to drop the past and leave that pain behind you. It seems you’ve got a pretty cool bunch of friends, Leo.
3. Sagittarius
mysticminimals, Darunwan.K, Buzzy std. | Canva Pro
You are about ready to leave the past behind. You’ve always had a love affair with November and always believed that this is a time for miracles; your life is about to change for the better, Sagittarius, and during the transit of Moon trine Saturn, you will make a very important decision.
You have understood that the past is no longer a part of the equation. It did what it needed to do and provided you with an experience of pain and heartache so great that you finally get it: you want no part of it anymore.
And yes, it is a choice, and you choose to be happy. What Moon trine Saturn brings into your life is the alternative way of thinking that leads you to the conclusion that this one is up to you. If you want to be happy, you must kiss the past goodbye; if you want to heal, you must disengage from the past once and for all. It’s doable, and liberating.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.