UPDATED FOR 2024. Editor’s note: The following was sent to Lovefraud by the reader who posts as “Adelle.” She realized she was listening to a liar named shame, and banished it from her life.
Looking back now, I realize how much damage SHAME can do. Of course the Spaths do the damage but along the way we pick up things that we think keep us safe. These things that we cling to so tightly do exactly the opposite of what we think they do.
Shame was one of my worst enemies in my SP experience. I didn’t want anyone to know, what would they say? What would they think of me? They won’t believe me!
When I finally started telling people about my experience, I got the occasional, “Not you, you’re so intelligent” or the look of disbelief. I am so happy to say that my REAL friends said things like, “We’ve been waiting for you.”
I once heard an acronym for shame, and it was Self Hatred Accepting My Enslavement.
Here is something I wrote to this liar named SHAME!
A Letter to Shame
You no longer reside in me —
You came uninvited —
You snuck up on me —
I’m erasing all the faces you used —
Your history no longer has power over me —
I am no longer your slave —
For the truth has set me free — it wasn’t my fault —
I was a victim — I committed no crime —
But that’s what you do, you lie, you confuse —
You point fingers when the problem is you —
How dare you demand I stay quiet —
Silence was the biggest weapon you held over me —
I have no relation with you — this day I break free —
I realize you are just a lie, created to keep me down —
Today you’re evicted — it’s been way too long —
There’s a life that’s waiting for me —
The prison you kept me in — I’ve now found the key —
I have a voice — I will no longer remain silent — I’m breaking free —
I demand you go somewhere else —
You no longer reside in me —
Learn more: Overcoming shame — how to feel worthy of respect and love
Lovefraud originally posted this story on Jan. 6, 2012.