The weekly tarot card reading for each zodiac sign is here from September 2 – 8, 2024. Let’s see what’s happening in love, career, friendship, and other areas of our life. These three tarot t cards show us the energy of the week overall. We have the Four of Pentacles, Five of Cups, and the Queen of Cups on the table.
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The first two minor arcana cards show life as a web of interconnected experiences. If one part of the world is burning from forest fires and powerful storms, it will also impact the rest of the planet. We are an interconnected web. Those who act swiftly and decisively often become the keystones of change and transformation.
The Queen of Cups further reminds us that when love and compassion guide us, we can conquer mountains without breaking a sweat. After all, this queen is known to be gentle, but she also represents the fullness of the ocean and its mighty waves and depths. What might you create with her on your side?
These three of these cards encourage us to take action. So, get on your mark, get set, and go, zodiac signs. It’s time to sprint to your destination like never before. That’s the message and theme for the collective this week. Let’s look at the weekly tarot card reading for every zodiac sign to see what you need to know.
Each zodiac sign’s weekly tarot card reading from September 2-8, 2024.
Aries: Six of Pentacles
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Aries’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Taurus
Aries, the Six of Pentacles is a sign to be kinder and more charitable when possible. Seek relationships where there’s a healthy exchange of energies, and each person gives from their heart out of love and care.
This is relevant in romance and friendship. If you have children, encourage them to be empathetic, too, so they can feel like valued members of the community in whatever way they contribute.
Taurus: Ace of Pentacles
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Taurus’s most compatible zodiac signs of the week: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo
Taurus, you are in for some significant changes, and the Ace of Pentacles is showing up for you! As a card that represents the seed of something that grows mighty and strong one day, this can represent a new job, friendship, relationship, or career opportunity. So, be mindful as you go about your days.
When you find an opportunity, create your foundation. As a Taurus, you are naturally good at creating wealth from any arena, so this will also add to your bank account, whatever this is.
Gemini: Two of Wands
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Gemini’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
Gemini, the Two of Wands represents planning and evaluating options with a set goal. Know what you want and start planning for it. If, during this, you realize that your goal was never yours but something forced on you through peer pressure or manipulations, it’s time to find out what your heart truly wants underneath it all.
If you must walk a challenging path in life, you might as well choose the challenges you are okay with facing to achieve something that rings true in your heart. Working with Clear Quartz can bring you more clarity at this time.
Cancer: Three of Pentacles
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Cancer most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aries
Cancer, the Three of Pentacles urges you to be a team player as you go about your days. Whether at home or in the office, working with others and trying to bring a common goal to life that benefits all of you will get more than what you hoped to reap from such efforts.
You will suddenly realize why they say the sum is greater than its parts. If you feel called to, now’s also a good time to check in with the elders in your family and know if they are doing okay.
Leo: Five of Pentacles
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Leo’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Virgo
Leo, the Five of Pentacles urges you to keep your hand regarding finances and spending. Whether you overspend on coffee, expensive shoes, throwing grand parties, or doing too much to impress a certain crowd on social media or in real life, it slowly pushes you towards a path that will bring you darkness instead of joy. So be mindful now so you can change your destiny.
Those zodiac signs struggling with their spiritual identity are also urged to be patient with themselves and accept the confusion as part of the journey. Guided meditation can help, but just giving yourself the space to make mistakes as you learn and grow will also help.
Virgo: The Emperor
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Virgo’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Cancer
The Emperor, is a major arcana card representing power and authority. It urges you not to second-guess yourself and to know that you, too, have power and authority within you.
After all, it’s easy to create narratives of weakness through lies, manipulation, and social oppression, but that doesn’t mean a particular gender, race, or culture is inherently weak or less capable. Shed the conditioning and change your world! You can work with Amethyst or Labradorite this week to help you.
Libra: Queen of Wands
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Libra’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Scorpio
Libra, the Queen of Wands. It reminds you that inner power and outer expression can go hand-in-hand or be at loggerheads. The latter, though, is not ideal. So, shed your insecurities and list why you are fantastic!
You may roll your eyes at the word choice “awesome,” but the message still stands: discovering the greatness within you and how far you have come in your journey. That should not make you cringe or anxious. Let the Queen of Wands show you what you are truly made of.
Scorpio: Knight of Pentacles
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Scorpio’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
The Knight of Pentacles reminds you to take good care of the projects and undertakings under your command or direction. Whether growing a backyard garden, leading a team of enforcers at the local police subdivision, or writing a book about your life, everything good will only emerge when you remain focused.
Take care of problems as they arise, be creative, have fun, and take each day at a time. Working with the crystal Labradorite will be beneficial for you in this regard.
Sagittarius: The Sun
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Sagittarius’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
Sagittarius, you got an extraordinary tarot card this week! The Sun is no joke. It’s one of the power cards of the major arcana, so with it here for you, the message is clear — lean into your inner power, shine bright with courage and confidence, and let your talents help you make a name for yourself.
Now’s not the time to go with the flow and be okay with anything and everything. Now’s the time to choose at least one path (even though you can have hobbies on the side) and commit to it so your star power can light it up. Working with crystals will benefit from working with Sunstone or Red Jasper this week.
Capricorn: Ace of Pentacles
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Capricorn’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Aries
Capricorn, the Ace of Pentacles, promises good money and a boost to your finances. But it also promises you can make much more by investing your time, effort, and energy wherever the initial boost comes.
A positive beginning will lead to lucky unfoldings, especially if this new business sees some major positivity. Just remember: growing plants must be pruned and protected from disease and weeds. As long as you take care of that, you will continue to experience favorable growth and success as the weeks go on.
Aquarius: Three of Wands
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Aquarius’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: Leo
Aquarius, it’s that time of the year when a lot can change in the blink of an eye. This week, you have the Three of Wands guiding you through these twists and turns. It urges you to step beyond what you know for certain and explore new lands, new opportunities, and new areas of growth and learning.
Extraordinary things happen to those who are willing to be extraordinary. If you feel called to, work with Peacock Ore to help you lean into the magic of the new while retaining your core self in the process.
Pisces: Five of Wands
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Pisces’s most compatible zodiac sign of the week: other Pisces
Pisces, the Five of Wands warns you not to second-guess yourself or allow anyone to bully you off the playing field. You are competent and a real threat to some who may not be at the same level as you.
So hold firm and take up space. The winner shall take it all. So why should you make it easy for them? If you feel called to, now’s a good time to work with Rose Quartz to boost your self-esteem. Self-love can help you conquer mountains.
Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.