As you progress through one of the most exciting months of 2024, it’s time to shift gears and remember that whatever frequency you are vibrating at – is ultimately what you will attract. While love is often thought of as a verb, as in loving or being loved, it can also describe your energy.
The idea of becoming in love will play a significant role in what you are currently moving through in your romantic life. Being loved doesn’t just mean that your vibration will shift, but it also reflects how you care for and treat yourself.
When you embody the state of love within you, it becomes easier to determine which relationships are for you — and what may just be an important lesson along the way. As Vesta shifts into Virgo on Saturday, August 24, you are being given a chance to become more dedicated to demonstrating your love for your partner and raising your vibration so that everything you do and are is simply love.
Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on August 24, 2024:
You need to pay close attention to how you care for yourself, dear Aries, because it will determine the sort of love you choose to accept. Try to focus more on how you are meeting your own needs, and what boundaries you may need to return to in order to continue to feel your best. While this is a time to likely take even a small step back, catch up on rest, and refocus on your mental health, you should continue to embrace determination in progressing a certain relationship as you learn what true balance can feel like in your life.
Even in the best of relationships, it’s normal at times to feel like that infamous spark has dwindled, Taurus – but that doesn’t mean you can’t reignite it. Right now, you are being urged to reflect on how you can bring that spark back to your long-term relationship, or even to your romantic life once again. This means genuinely being excited for matters of romance and letting yourself also start putting more energy and time into your relationship. You deserve to be excited about love again.
To have that dynamic romance you desire, Gemini, you also need to learn to take care of the minute details. Right now, there is a certain matter at home, whether it’s about arranging schedules for quality time, moving in with a lover, or even preparing for the birth of a child – you need to start investing into the details that go into creating that healthy foundation for your relationship. Take pride not just in your romantic connection, but also in the life you are hoping to create together.
Not everyone feels an attraction in the same way, dear Cancer, and right now for you, it’s important to build that emotional and mental connection. As much as you still want to make sure you and your partner are aligned, it also seems that you are in need of a deeper connection than you currently feel like you have. Try to set aside time for long conversations, not just about the future of your connection, but about life as well. Let yourself take the time develop the connection that is truly going to fulfill your needs.
While you have been urged to passionately pursue your heart at all costs recently, Leo, you now need to take some time to make sure this connection is one that really can go the distance. Use this energy to reflect on the personal values of yourself and your partner, as well as those often-uncomfortable conversations about finances. Although this may not seem like the romantic of endeavors, being able to have these real-life conversations will help you determine if your heart has really led you in the right direction.
You deserve to be not just in love with your partner, but with your entire life, dear Virgo. This means though that you also need to take some time to self-reflect to see if you are on the path that feels connected to your soul. During this phase you will be urged to embrace an inner transformation that can bring a deeper connection into your romantic life, but to do that you can’t continue to avoid change. Your partner is going to love you no matter who you become, if they are the one meant to keep growing with you.
With everything that you have going on in your life at this time, it’s no surprise that you are being guided to take some time to yourself, sweet Libra. You are on the precipice of momentous change and even opportunity in your life, but before you make any big decisions, you need to make sure they are coming from your most authentic self. Don’t be afraid to take a solo trip, or even make time to enjoy your solitude. The more space you have right now, the clearer your intuition will be able to be heard.
This is an incredible time to build up your social network, Scorpio, so that you can feel confident you have the support you need. While the current energy encourages you to focus on all of your relationships, it will also prove to be beneficial to your romantic life as well. Instead of looking at certain milestones as the greatest success, try to see that the relationships you are able to create and maintain actually can benefit you more than anything else. Put the priority on how you want to feel, and you will also finally receive all you’ve dreamed of.
There is a difference between dedicating yourself to your romantic partner, dear Sagittarius, versus basing your identity in your romantic relationship. As much as this is an era of increased commitment and dedication, you also need to make sure you are still focusing on your autonomy and authenticity. Your relationship can and should be an important part of your life, but you should still be able to know who you are without that connection. You may need some time to invest in your own dreams, or even reevaluate some boundaries in your relationship.
In order to understand what truly matters to you, Capricorn, you also need to let yourself explore life a bit. You are craving a life of deeper meaning and purpose, but it doesn’t have to contradict the relationship you also have in your life. Try to be honest with your partner about what it is you need, so that they can understand the space you might need at this time. The more you can understand yourself, the better you can show up for your partner.
While there has been a hesitancy to embrace certain changes in your romantic life, dear Aquarius, all of that is about to be behind you. Take this new desire to grow and face new developments head on as it will also prove to shift your romantic life in profound ways. Have those conversations about the future you’ve been putting off or take the step to invest in something with your partner. Instead of worrying about what may go wrong, turn your attention to everything that feels like it’s finally going right.
Don’t settle for less than you deserve, Pisces, simply because it seems easier to do. You crave not only a deep love, but one that also carries great significance in your life. As you continue to move through this new connection in your life, don’t forget what it is you truly crave. The choice not to settle for less begins with you choosing to continue to show up as your true self; the romantic, spiritual being of great depth. Honor these parts of yourself, and also let it be known to your partner, so there is no confusion regarding the kind of love you genuinely want.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.