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5 Chinese Zodiac Signs Will Have The Luckiest Love Horoscopes From August 26 – September 1, 2024

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Lucky love horoscopes between August 26 and September 1, 2024, teach us that to help love grow, one must slow down and allow silence to permeate. 

A lot can be learned that way; however, based on the astrology forecast, five Chinese zodiac signs will benefit more than the rest. This week’s I Ching hexagram of love is Water over Mountain (#39). It reminds us that love needs space, affection, and contact. 

Thus, anything that slows down the connection between you and another doesn’t always have to be a cause for concern. Sometimes, that very thing or situation allows you and the other person to realize that you want to know each other better because you can sense the potential for something good. That’s luck in love, pure and simple.

Just make sure you aren’t ignoring red flags! Obstructions are obstructions, and speed breaks are speed breaks. If you confuse the two, you may lose your luck in romance and always pine about the one who got away. Let’s focus on the Rooster, Ox, Horse, Dog, and Rat. 

RELATED: Each Chinese Zodiac Sign’s Weekly Horoscope From August 26 – September 1, 2024

Luckiest love horoscopes for five Chinese zodiac signs from August 26 – September 1.

1. Rooster

rooster chinese zodiac signs lucky love horoscopes august 26-september 1, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva

Rooster, your luck in love is about to transform this week! If you are single, you are urged to think hard about what you truly want in a romance. Make a list, but think deeply. Your luck will help you manifest that quicker than you can imagine.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love is somewhat different this week. You will either realize that you are with the wrong person or know that something about your relationship needs to change dramatically. This may feel counterintuitive to what we know of luck. 

Everything will eventually help you close a chapter that was keeping you from true love and walk into a new one where true love does exist. For a lot of you, this old chapter deals with a third party or family members who want to drive you apart but will fail.

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2. Ox

ox chinese zodiac signs lucky love horoscopes august 26-september 1, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva

Ox, your luck in love this week is fabulous! If you are single, engage in the dance of love, and don’t let past baggage hold you back. The only way you can truly test the potential of a new date is if you give the situation a chance to surprise you and bring you joy, laughter, and camaraderie. That’s where you’ll find your luck.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love this week will bring you the opportunity to heal old wounds from past relationships. Don’t let exes or triggering thoughts of them ruin what’s good and true with your significant other. Allow your partner to help you and bring them into your inner sanctum. The journey may be full of twists and turns, but something beautiful will emerge from it.

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3. Horse

horse chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky love horoscope august 26-september 1, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva

Horse, your luck in love this week is really strong. If you are single, hold fast to your beliefs on love, marriage, and everything else in this arena. This experience is so personal that you must not cave into others’ demands here. It will only deviate you from your path of luck and finding your soulmate.

If you are in a relationship, you and your partner will find your luck when you engage in activities outdoors. Whether it’s playing beach ball with a bunch of friends, visiting a restaurant you had on your bucket list for a while, thrifting together, or buying baby clothes, every little interaction will lead to something big. Lean into this and let it bring joy to your lives!

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4. Dog

dog chinese zodiac signs weekly lucky love horoscope august 26-september 1, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva

Dog, it can feel scary to try something new or confess your feelings to someone, but you will find your luck in love this week when you choose to shed your fears and embrace courage. If you are single, don’t doubt yourself or whether you are good enough to be love or whether you are better than the perceived competition. Take a step, then another, and you’ll discover your luck.

If you are in a relationship, you are urged to hold strong to your personal values and beliefs and not cave into threats, demands, or bullying from external forces or even within your relationship. If you can do this, your luck in love will unfold. For some, you already know where this luck will lead you away from those toxic to your life. You’ll find true love on the other side.

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5. Rat

rat chinese zodiac sign weekly lucky love horoscope august 26-september 1, 2024 suwillustrations | Canva

Rat, your luck in love this week is tenuous. If you are single, don’t test your luck. Instead, turn inward and take a step away from romance. It may sound counterintuitive, but this path will reveal insights necessary to find true love. The cosmic forces often work in mysterious ways.

If you are in a relationship, your luck in love will bloom when you shed doubts and judgments towards each other and embrace what’s uniquely different about you. Do at least one thing this week that introduces you to something new about your partner’s culture and vice versa. Remember: if only one is willing to embrace the diversity but the other is not, your luck won’t bloom. That’s the tenuousness mentioned earlier.

RELATED: Top 3 Most Powerful Chinese Zodiac Signs


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Valeria Black is a Tarot Card Reader, astrologer and YouTuber with expertise in charm-casting, runes, and all things magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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