We can all agree that we are usually the person who stands in the way of our success, and on August 23, we may just find that we’re finally in the right head space to confront that obstacle and get on with it. This day’s astrology gives us Moon Square Pluto, which immediately lets us know that to heal it, we must ‘feel’ it first.
All of that is good news, as we really do wish to get past this ton of self-doubt that always crops up at the wrong time and prevents us from finding true happiness. Three zodiac signs will show that by confronting the doubt we cling to, we can release ourselves from it.
It will be a day of bravery and deep truth as we examine who we are, how we got this way, and what we can do to make the rest of our experience here a good and fruitful one. This day comes with victory and celebration. With the help of the Moon square Pluto, we can overcome self-doubt and find true happiness.
Three zodiac signs overcome self-doubt and find true happiness on August 23, 2024.
1. Aries
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Self-doubt has always played a big role in your life, Aries, and while it’s not something you’re proud of, it’s a truth you wish very much to get over. You have always been someone who truly strives for the best possible conditions to live in, and on August 23, you get that much closer to success.
During Moon square Pluto, you can see exactly what your problem is, but this time, there’s a realistic solution you can apply on this very day. You wish to get past that doubt that holds you back, and you want that happiness that always seems to elude you.
Because this transit, Moon square Pluto, works very well with your Aries brand of energy, you’ll find that this is the first day of many to come when you literally feel revitalized and healed. Perhaps you started to see some of that self-doubt as unnecessary, but now, freedom is becoming your lifestyle.
2. Cancer
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Moon square Pluto represents a change to come that could lead you into any number of situations, which also means that if you’re to steer this brand new transformation in a positive direction, you’re going to have to get rid of some of the negative traits you’ve given value to.
In other words, you can’t move forward if you drag around a suitcase filled with self-doubts, or worse…loathing. None of that can add to your life’s experience, and you know very well that this one is up to you. You want to be happy, and you know that you always stop that from happening.
It’s on Friday, August 23, that you come to terms with the idea that you can stop yourself from ruining your own good time. If you’re able to successfully prevent your doubt from stepping in, then you will be a true warrior in the fight against self-doubt. You can then usher in the true happiness.
3. Scorpio
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All you really want is what everyone else wants out of this life: to be happy. And while there are moments where you feel this is way too tall an order for the universe to deliver, there are days like this one, Friday, August 23, where you feel it’s all coming your way and all good.
During this day’s transit, Moon square Pluto, you’ll see that by seeing what you’re up against, you have a better chance at whipping it simply because you are now aware of what you’re working with. This means you’ve pinpointed the enemy, which is your self-doubt.
Your self-doubt has gotten in the way of your pursuit of happiness, and you let it. Now, you aren’t in the mood to let it get the better of you anymore. The Moon square Pluto transit influences you, so you see that you don’t have to return to your old ways. Trusting that you can be successful, you create a path that leads directly to success and happiness.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.