Monday, March 17, 2025

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If You Want To Eliminate Self-Doubt, It’s Time To Accept These 8 Essential Truths

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A common struggle of those in my community is self-doubt. We have a goal. We look at what is required of us to achieve said goal. We feel self-doubt. The trouble is that doubt often gives us a reason to avoid doing what needs to be done to get what we want. 

The good news is that all of this means you’re human. We all experience it. I still feel self-doubt. Doubt is a sign we’re growing, and it will never go away fully. But it can be managed so that you can continue to live your life without being held back.

If you want to eliminate self-doubt, it’s time to accept these 8 essential truths:

1. Set small goals

Break things down and make it easy. When you do these simple tasks, you realize you are capable and can take action and complete things. Instant confidence boost.

Psychology professionals suggest a good framework to follow is the S.M.A.R.T. goals system which outlines goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. 

2. Get busy

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to have self-doubt when we’re in the throes of action. The more we do, the less in our heads we are and the better we feel. If you’re stewing on the sofa, get up and clean the kitchen sink. Notice how much better you feel.

RELATED: 5 Obvious Habits Of People Who Are Actually Filled With Self-Doubt, But Don’t Realize It

3. Get consistent

Rock-solid confidence is built in the land of consistency. Consistent action on the things worth doing builds your discipline and your action-taking identity and leads to things getting built and created. Consistently creating things will do more for your self-doubt than any pill.

4. Embrace your failures

Chances are a lot of doubt emanates from our perceived past failures. Seeing failure as a bad thing is a bad habit. This can be changed. It starts by seeing the lesson in past mistakes.

When we turn it around this way, we instantly feel better, and doubt fades. From here, we develop this habit by seeing any mistake as a helpful message from the Universe. It gives us data we can use, nothing more.

woman happy with results on paper Anna Shvets | Pexels

5. Challenge your beliefs

The real ninjas in this game never take their thoughts at their word. They’re acutely aware of the folly of buying into all our thoughts. All our beliefs about who we think we are are estimations.

They’re all constructed out of thought, and a thought is an illusion. Every opinion can be challenged. When we do, we see a new perspective — an angle that instantly dissolves doubt. According to researchers, to overcome self-doubt, there’s a need to learn to challenge the belief that you are incapable of success.

6. Surround yourself with positive influences

It’s a cliché, but it is such for a good reason. As social creatures, we can take the words of others seriously. If you’re surrounded by jerks, you know what to do. Get out of there, sharpish. If you can’t, have a stern word and be assertive.

RELATED: The Most Confident People Never Indulge In These 10 Bad Habits

Seek out positive mentors, coaches, and friends who want you to win and encourage you to take risks. And if you can’t find others for now, be your biggest cheerleader and surround yourself with good books, inspiring films, and learning experiences.

Researchers affirm that overcoming self-doubt from failures can be achieved by having people around you who can offer encouragement, support, guidance, and feedback.

7. Take care of your health

This one’s kinda dull, but it’s the foundational piece. There’s a huge connection between physical and mental health. Doubt takes a hit when we take on good habits and operate from a healthy body, undisturbed by poisonous inputs.

Be honest with yourself now. In what ways are you mistreating your body (and thus mind)? Be strong and cut it/them out.

8. Stop trying to ‘fix yourself’ and focus on success

There are some things, as we’ve discussed, you can do to improve your situation. Do it, but then move on quickly. The issue arises when we obsess about our inadequacy and enter into an often life-long pursuit of self-help.

What if you were okay just as you were? Maybe it isn’t therapy you need but to think more kindly of yourself and to chase big success. 

Perhaps you cling to fixing yourself because it‘s comfortable and it gives you an excuse for holding back. It’s time to let go. Set yourself an exciting goal for some kickass project. Notice how you start to feel better immediately.

9. Take on more challenges

Self-doubt often arises because, in our comfortable existence, we start ruminating in our minds unnecessarily. We’ve created a cocoon of easy that’s turning us soft. The challenge solves that.

Brainstorm some ways you can introduce some hard things. How about going on a solo trip somewhere weird? Extract one from your list and get to work. Put it in your calendar. Focus on creating things you want that also make you nervous about doing. That’s where you need to go. Challenge yourself, take action, and watch your doubt be replaced by belief.

RELATED: 5 Tiny Tips That Will Make You Stop Doubting Yourself

Alex Mathers is a writer and coach who helps you build a money-making personal brand with your knowledge and skills while staying mentally resilient. 

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